Spectrum Analyzer Software

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Spectrum Analyzer Software

Post by NaHBrO »

I am not sure if this even belongs here but it seems more fitting than sending an E-Mail. I have tried to download the Spectrum Analyzer software from the page https://www.open-raman.org/build/software/ but for some reason it will not download. Whenever I try to click the download link notion happens. Does anyone else have that problem? If so what is your solution?
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Re: Spectrum Analyzer Software

Post by andy »

You can use this link:

https://web.archive.org/web/20230319131 ... 20r123.zip

I've had the same issue though before but it worked for me after
I keep trying
I sell OpenRaman kits and pre-builds at https://ramanbuilds.andychase.me
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Re: Spectrum Analyzer Software

Post by Luc »

I just updated the links, it should be working now.

The problem occurs with "http" links because some web browser like Chrome don't allow downloading from non https links. When I moved the website from http to https, I had to correct all the links and I missed some.

If you find other broken links on Chrome, post them here and I will correct them as well :)
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