Converting CCD Image to Raman Spectrum

Everything that concerns the open-source Raman spectrometer
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Converting CCD Image to Raman Spectrum

Post by BowenZheng »

Hi there,

I was wondering if there's any open software (besides OpenRaman's) that will convert a CCD image into a Raman spectrum. If not, what technique is used to do this so that I can just code it myself.

Thank you,
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Re: Converting CCD Image to Raman Spectrum

Post by Luc »

I don't have any names on the top of my head but there are surely some. At the very least, you can use the Matlab code that I gave here :

The process of converting an image to a spectra is not very complicated and can be split into two steps:

(1) Conversion of the image to spectral data. In this step, you just sum the columns of the image to yield an output vector. You can add pre-processing and post-processing filtering steps to that to clean up the spectra as well. Typically, I perform a median filtering on the image before integrating the columns and I do a box filter on the resulting vector data.

(2) Calibration of the x-axis of the spectra. Up to now, you should have a relatively clean spectral vector but you don't know what wavelength correspond to which entry. To perform this conversion, the best is to acquire a spectra of a known source where you can assign peak to actual wavelength values. I can recommend reading this post to understand how it's done : ... trometers/

And that's all! No magic involved :)
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